its been awhile again, so i will try and catch you up and hopefully i cant get into the routine of actually blogging daily to keep you updated. I am so bad about this!
My last blog was about Travis being a little small for how far along i am. I had the ultrasound, and they confirmed he is on the tiny side, but he is still healthy. I am healthy, and he is still growing. In fact, I have had another appointment since then. I am only 2 1/2 weeks away from having this little baby. I am pretty excited!
Trent and I went out and did extreme baby shopping. We bought everything we need from babies r us because when you register, they give you a 10% off coupon for everything still left on your registry by the time your due date is a month away. So, everything that was left, we went and got 10% off of. It was fun shopping, and i am glad we are so blessed to be able to afford all the stuff that we need. Babies are expensive! I know that most of you know that, but i really wasnt aware till we racked up the bill at the check out station.
We have already returned a couple things. We bought a bottle warmer, which we couldnt figure out and so we returned it and resolved to use the stove to warm the bottles up. We had to exchange the carseat base we bought because it didnt fit the carseat. And, i think i have the wrong breast pump accessories. I wont know for sure till i talk to a doctor about it, but we might have to get new ones, and you cant return those once they are opened.
My aunt and uncle and grandma and grandpa have been sending lots of cute clothes and stuff for travis too. He is gonna be so cute! Grandma sent us cowboy boots from new mexico! :) I am so happy that travis is at least coming to us when we have enough money and support and people that love him, to make him a hopefully happy baby.
I am doing alright. I have been feeling better mentally. I am a little less stressed out and feeling a little more normal as far as hormones go, but now, about a week or two ago, i got slammed all at once with the physical symptoms. Turns out, I have carpultunal in my hands and wrists. That is super awesome. I cant even take the top off of the toothpaste container some mornings. I feel real dumb. I spent a couple days with my aunt and uncle this past week and i had to keep asking them to open my water bottles for me. The doctor said there really isnt anything that they can do except give me a wrist brace, but even that wont really help. It is frustrating, but everyone says that after labor, it magically disappears. thats good.
Anyway, the reason i spent a few days with my aunt and uncle was because my great grandma passed away about two weeks ago. My aunt and uncle live in VA, and the funeral was in Myrtle Beach, so when they drove down for the funeral, they picked me up along the way, and i stayed with them. The funeral was nice. It was done really well, and grandma looked beautiful. She was 86 years old and had been suffering a lot before she passed, so at least now, we know she is in heaven. Everyone who talked about her said she was the nicest women they had ever met. And my grandpa took such good care of her. He really loved her. He devoted a LOT of himself to her when she was sick and it was apparent how much he cared for her. She was lucky to have him in her last days. I am sad that she passed, but happy that neither one of them have to go through her suffering anymore.
Aside from the funeral, my trip down to myrtle was nice. It was great being there in the off season. My aunt and uncle got a 3 room suite right on the beach for 149.00 a night. there were 4 tvs in the suite, a huge living room, and kitchen. Plus, it was 86-90 degrees while we were there. Not crowded. It was really nice. I think it would be a great place to vacation, as long as you go in the off season. During the season, i hear it is awful. Expensive, and so crowded you cant go anywhere.
Trent still doesnt know anything about what they are going to do with him. We are both just waiting it out. Hopefully they let us know soon cuz i would rather just get up and go now before we get comfortable here in this house. Who the heck knows. But when we know, ill be posting to let everyone else know where we will be next.
I am still going strong with my garden, in fact, i have little buds on my plants now that are hopefully going to turn into cucumbers! I am really excited about that! I am just gonna make it i think. I hope it doesnt get too cold before then. I took some pictures of one of them so you can see how much it has grown. I also took pics of the suite we stayed at in myrtle and the babies room that is coming along. 
Trent and I are doing pretty good. He came with me to lamaze class and that was really good. Last night was our last class. There were only 4 classes. But last night he had to go down to the stage with all the other guys and diaper and swaddle a little plastic baby. It was really cute to watch all the guys. The instructor made them talk to the little babies. I wish I would have had my camara then because they all looked so cute. Trent has been a strong advocate for storing cord blood. He is a member of the cord blood america facebook page and makes constant posts. He also has flyers mailed to him from the company that he can distribute all over, which he did at the lamaze class. We will also be storing Travis' cord blood when he is born. If anyone wants information on it, you should ask trent or go to the cord blood america website. Trent and I both think its a really good idea. There might never be a need for it, but in the instance that something goes wrong, and you do need the cord blood, storing it, is relatively cheap for how much it will save you if that happens. Check it out if you are interested.
Trent and I are also on a pseudo mission to out breast cancer charities. About 2 years ago, I signed up to walk for breast cancer. Susan G. Komen. I had a team of 4 people and each one of us was supposed to raise 2500 dollars. We did not raise all the money. Because we didnt raise all the money, we were not allowed to participate in the walk. Not only that, but they tried to take the remaining amount of money from us. We both agreed that it was really unethicial for them to be so greedy. It makes us really not want to donate to them anymore. Trent is trying to find out their budget. We just cant imagine how that company could be so demanding when you can buy almost everything with proceeds going to breast cancer. I mean, EVERYTHING. m&ms, shoes, bread, dog collars,... etc. On top of the fact that breast cancer isnt even the leading cause of death in the united states, trent and i just feel like we can donate to other causes that we feel will make better use of the money, and be more appreciative. I dont know if that made a whole lot of sense or not, but you can read for yourself and make your own informed decision at this website i hope this explains it better than i did. It just really makes me upset that they demand so much money and there isnt really a whole lot more done for the population with breast cancer, then say for prostate cancer, which you rarely see any benifits for. Anybody who wants to talk about this with me or trent we would love to. I am not saying i am against helping somebody with breast cancer, but if i know somebody with breast cancer, i am more likely to give money or help to them, then the charity. If i do donate to a charity, it will be a different one than that one.
Anyway, i guess thats all i have for today. I will try and post more later. Hope everyone is doing good!