Hey Everyone!
time to catch everybody up i guess.
I am officially 34 weeks today! Time is going by SO fast! I can't believe how little time I have left until I have this little baby boy. I am getting really excited! I mean, I have always been excited, but its getting pretty real now.
I had a doctor appointment today. I am down to an appointment every two weeks now instead of every month. The doc appointment was ok today I guess. I feel fine, and I can feel Travis kicking like a CHAMP. They just are a tiny bit worried about how much he is growing, so I have to make an ultrasound appointment tomorrow, just to check on him. Since he is moving around a lot, she said it's just precautionary. Everything else seems to be fine so I guess I will just wait to see what is going to happen and let you all know updates as we go. Im extremely frustrated with army medical care, especially after having seen a specialist when we were in GA. I already have a preconcieved notion about the healthcare, so it doesnt make it any easier to deal with stupid crap and the run-around that they give me. Today was taxing on my emotions because everybody seems to be so routine about everything. I mean, I just feel like- its typical army behavior to just make people feel like they are just another number. I just got shuffled through, and nobody really seemed to try any harder than they had to to help me out. First, I went to the OB, then she told me to go make an appointment with radiology for my ultrasound. When I went down to radiology, they told me that the doctor from OB hadnt put an order in for my test, so I had to wait till tomorrow to even schedule an appointment.. UNLESS, the doctor from OB called down to radiology and spoke to the doctor herself and then it would get me through faster and I wouldnt have to wait till tomorrow to make the initial appointment. So, we walked back to OB, and sat for about 10 minutes till a nurse came out and said that there was nothing they could do and they wouldnt call down because it wouldnt make a difference. Then I said- I just spoke to them and they said if My doctor called down, that they could bypass that- wait till the next day to make an appointment-rule. (apparently they do this to review your file, but the receptionist told me if the doc called herself, that they wouldnt need to review it and they could waive that rule). So, the nurse went back to talk to the doc, and came back and said that the doc called down, and that she had gotten them to revoke that order to make me wait till tomorrow. So, we walked back down to radiology, and and even though she called down, i still have to wait till tomorrow to make the stupid appointment. RAWR. After that we had to go to the lab so I could get another glucose test taken, because for some reason those results weren't in my file when it got transferred from Savannah. When we got to the lab, the receptionist was rude and it was passed the time to do glucose tests for the day anyway, so i have to go back tomorrow. When we tried to ask him a question, i guess he just didnt understand us or thought we were dumb and dont know how the system works. (thats how they all act. They all act sort of like nobody knows anything except them). So, nothing got accomplished today except me having to worry about little travis and getting this growth thing taken care of. I just wish that they would have a little more empathy and treat people like actual patients instead of the next number. But- at least he is almost here now so I dont have much more of this to go.... haha, until I switch to a pediatrician. :) Anyway, like I said, I will keep you updated.
Trent still doesnt know what is going to happen now that he isnt in the course anymore. He is trying to put a warrent packet in. If that goes through, then there is a chance that we will be moving again down to sweet home alabama. If he doesnt get the packet approved or something else happens, then there is a good chance we will stay here for awhile. Im sort of sick of moving, but I guess whatever the army tells us, is where we will go. I will also keep you updated on that as well.
Other than the doc appointments, not a whole lot is new with us. We havent been out a whole lot and so Im still waiting to meet some people. I got invited to a mary kay party tomorrow evening, by a lady we just happend upon at red lobster the other night. I am gonna go just to get out, but i dont think im gonna make anything of it. I know that at these little parties a lot of times u get sucked into being a sales rep or something.... Ha, I just dont know if that is for me or not. I have absolutely NO fashion sense whatsoever, and I think you have to know a little about fashion and makeup and stuff to sell mary kay products. Plus, I just dont know how good I would be at selling stuff to other people. I hate when people try to be pushy on me like that, so I dont really want to be on the pushing side. I will probably buy something tomorrow, just to say I did, but on top of the reasons I already listed for not really wanting to sell mary kay, they meet on tuesday nights, and that is my favorite night with trent because the BIGGEST LOSER comes on tv! If i have to miss the Biggest Loser every week, I will be really sad! I missed the premere because we didnt have cable, but not THIS WEEK! cable comes TOMORROW! just in time for the next episode of BL, but i dont know if Ill be home. :(
My garden is doing pretty good. Im a little nervous because its supposed to get cold the next week or two and it has rained nonstop for two days now. We have gotten 12 inches of rain in the last 2 days! I am worried that if they dont flood out, that they will freeze. I asked trent if we could put milk cartons around them, but he said it might still be too cold. I knew this going into planting my garden that it might have been too late in the season, so I guess if they dont grow, I will know for next year. If they dont make it, I might try to get some winter plants. But for now, they are growing pretty nice and tall. :)
Anyway, I guess thats all for now. I will let you know what happens with everything next time.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
banana pancakes
i made banana pancakes from scratch tonight! they were really good. i went onto allrecipes.com and just picked out a regular banana recipe and added a banana cuz i think ours are going bad. They turned out really good. I cant wait to have the leftovers for breakfast tomorrow morning! that might be a lame thing to blog about, but i dont care because they were UH-MAZE-ING!
I had a dentist appointment this morning. I was really excited because it has been awhile since i have had my teeth cleaned. I got about 5 minutes into my cleaning and i got really faint and lightheaded. I think little travis is sitting on my vena cava or something.. i nearly blacked out. They took my BP and it was low. 96/51. So, I rescheduled my appointment for after travis is born. I just cant lay back flat on my back right now. Travis doesnt like it... soooo dec. 17th is the next time I go. I also went to the doctor after the dentist, just to make sure that it was just the way i was laying on the chair that made me lightheaded and nothing else. I got hooked up to two monitors. one for travis' heartbeat, and one to see if im having contractions. I stayed hooked up for about an hour. Everything turned out absolutely fine. Everything looks perfect they said, and I am one week closer to having him safe and sound here OUTSIDE of my belly.
Trent and I went baby shopping yesterday, but we didnt get anything except a pillow for support when travis is born. The discount at babies r us is only good about two weeks out and after the due date. So, we are waiting to get stuff cuz we want the 15% discount. We still need a carseat, and a stroller, and a changing table.... oh and lots of other stuff that i really want....but we probably dont NEED... but i am so excited everytime we go into a store i just want EVERYTHING!!! :)
The plants in my garden (whats left of them) are still growing. I cant wait till we get some veggies off of them.
Anyway, I think i am off to take a shower and try really hard to beat my husband at phase ten.
I actually beat him last night, but he wasnt paying any attention, because we were into the movie 'prince of persia'.... (pretty good movie). BUT- im still counting it as a win even if he doesnt...... ;)
Night everybody!
I had a dentist appointment this morning. I was really excited because it has been awhile since i have had my teeth cleaned. I got about 5 minutes into my cleaning and i got really faint and lightheaded. I think little travis is sitting on my vena cava or something.. i nearly blacked out. They took my BP and it was low. 96/51. So, I rescheduled my appointment for after travis is born. I just cant lay back flat on my back right now. Travis doesnt like it... soooo dec. 17th is the next time I go. I also went to the doctor after the dentist, just to make sure that it was just the way i was laying on the chair that made me lightheaded and nothing else. I got hooked up to two monitors. one for travis' heartbeat, and one to see if im having contractions. I stayed hooked up for about an hour. Everything turned out absolutely fine. Everything looks perfect they said, and I am one week closer to having him safe and sound here OUTSIDE of my belly.
Trent and I went baby shopping yesterday, but we didnt get anything except a pillow for support when travis is born. The discount at babies r us is only good about two weeks out and after the due date. So, we are waiting to get stuff cuz we want the 15% discount. We still need a carseat, and a stroller, and a changing table.... oh and lots of other stuff that i really want....but we probably dont NEED... but i am so excited everytime we go into a store i just want EVERYTHING!!! :)
The plants in my garden (whats left of them) are still growing. I cant wait till we get some veggies off of them.
Anyway, I think i am off to take a shower and try really hard to beat my husband at phase ten.
I actually beat him last night, but he wasnt paying any attention, because we were into the movie 'prince of persia'.... (pretty good movie). BUT- im still counting it as a win even if he doesnt...... ;)
Night everybody!
Monday, September 20, 2010
weekend in ga
well it has been a really busy weekend. My friends threw me a baby shower on Saturday In Ga. Its about a 4 hour drive from here to there so it isnt too bad. I dont like the drive, but its close enough that I can see friends of mine if i want to. Although- I am not making the trip anymore until after baby travis is born, because my hands and feet swelled up a LOT on this trip. Thats the first time that has happened to me yet, and it really freaked me out, and when you have to stop every hour or so to pee, it makes the trip even longer... sooo, after travis is born Ill make my way back down again.
The shower was really really amazing. Erin (who is 2 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy) and Joyce put the shower together and it just really was so great. I had about 7 people show up I think and I got a lot of really nice stuff. I got a TON of clothes for Travis. He has so many clothes now I dont think we are gonna have to get anything new till he is almost a year old! And all the clothes are SO CUTE! SOOO SOOO CUTE!! You will definitely be seeing him when i change him every hour on the hour or so because I want him to wear EVERYTHING but I know he is gonna grow so fast. One of my favorite outfits, my aunt got me, is really tiny. I want it to be his coming home outfit, but Im not even sure if he will fit into it.maybe ill take a pic of that one and put it on here. I hope he comes out small and tiny. He is going to be so adorable! :)
anyway, i also got some pajamas for me, which are SUPER comfortable and they are great. I love them. We got a bath toy holder for travis shaped like a frog, and some books, and some baby blankets, and a few tiny little toys, and joyce made me a diaper cake! We got a lot of really good stuff. I am so excited for this little tike to come!
I got to spend the day with kimberly while I was back in GA. she just had a boy almost 3 months ago, and that little guy (Caleb) is the happiest little baby I have ever met in my entire life! He is super cute! I got to help take care of him and she gave me a lot of good advice. She does a really good job taking care of him. Her husband Steven works in Charleston SC and so he is only home a couple nights a week. She did the whole newborn thing without him there all the time. I am glad I got to see what its like dealing with a newborn cuz I was nervous! Hopefully little baby Travis will be just as happy and wonderful as Caleb.
The night before I left, (wednesday) Trent came home. He got medically dropped from the course because of his two back surgeries. They found out and were confused as to how he even got in the course in the first place. SOOOOOOO- now we have a NEW adventure to deal with because who knows where we are going or what we are doing now. Im a little worried, because Travis is gonna be here in about 6 weeks and it takes the army just about that long to cut new orders to a new location. I dont wanna move again!!!!!!
We just put the room border up in travis's room and today when trent gets home from work we are going SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything that we didnt get off the baby registry list is now discounted price, and so we are gonna go get the rest of the big stuff we need, and maybe a couple little things! I am so excited! Its gonna be FUN. Shopping for the baby has been my favorite part of being preggo so far. We will see how it goes.
On a sadder note, the doggies trampled my garden while i was gone this weekend. :( Im REALLY sad... but, there are a few good guys left still going strong. It doesnt look as pretty anymore, but hopefully in a week or so, it will look better. I lost about 8 of my plants I think. There are still a few of each left, so at least that's good. I hope I can still get some beans and some cucumbers off of them tho.. I am really sad, but Trent and I had a really good talk last night and I am trying to remember that there are more important things in life, and its just a garden... I am trying really really hard not to sweat the small stuff anymore. I am just getting so stressed out about everything lately, and I hate being so easily stressed out now. I think that might also help my mood. Its good to be happy!
Anyway, trent just got home, and I feel like playing rock band! I will catch u tomorrow!
The shower was really really amazing. Erin (who is 2 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy) and Joyce put the shower together and it just really was so great. I had about 7 people show up I think and I got a lot of really nice stuff. I got a TON of clothes for Travis. He has so many clothes now I dont think we are gonna have to get anything new till he is almost a year old! And all the clothes are SO CUTE! SOOO SOOO CUTE!! You will definitely be seeing him when i change him every hour on the hour or so because I want him to wear EVERYTHING but I know he is gonna grow so fast. One of my favorite outfits, my aunt got me, is really tiny. I want it to be his coming home outfit, but Im not even sure if he will fit into it.maybe ill take a pic of that one and put it on here. I hope he comes out small and tiny. He is going to be so adorable! :)
anyway, i also got some pajamas for me, which are SUPER comfortable and they are great. I love them. We got a bath toy holder for travis shaped like a frog, and some books, and some baby blankets, and a few tiny little toys, and joyce made me a diaper cake! We got a lot of really good stuff. I am so excited for this little tike to come!
I got to spend the day with kimberly while I was back in GA. she just had a boy almost 3 months ago, and that little guy (Caleb) is the happiest little baby I have ever met in my entire life! He is super cute! I got to help take care of him and she gave me a lot of good advice. She does a really good job taking care of him. Her husband Steven works in Charleston SC and so he is only home a couple nights a week. She did the whole newborn thing without him there all the time. I am glad I got to see what its like dealing with a newborn cuz I was nervous! Hopefully little baby Travis will be just as happy and wonderful as Caleb.
The night before I left, (wednesday) Trent came home. He got medically dropped from the course because of his two back surgeries. They found out and were confused as to how he even got in the course in the first place. SOOOOOOO- now we have a NEW adventure to deal with because who knows where we are going or what we are doing now. Im a little worried, because Travis is gonna be here in about 6 weeks and it takes the army just about that long to cut new orders to a new location. I dont wanna move again!!!!!!
We just put the room border up in travis's room and today when trent gets home from work we are going SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything that we didnt get off the baby registry list is now discounted price, and so we are gonna go get the rest of the big stuff we need, and maybe a couple little things! I am so excited! Its gonna be FUN. Shopping for the baby has been my favorite part of being preggo so far. We will see how it goes.
On a sadder note, the doggies trampled my garden while i was gone this weekend. :( Im REALLY sad... but, there are a few good guys left still going strong. It doesnt look as pretty anymore, but hopefully in a week or so, it will look better. I lost about 8 of my plants I think. There are still a few of each left, so at least that's good. I hope I can still get some beans and some cucumbers off of them tho.. I am really sad, but Trent and I had a really good talk last night and I am trying to remember that there are more important things in life, and its just a garden... I am trying really really hard not to sweat the small stuff anymore. I am just getting so stressed out about everything lately, and I hate being so easily stressed out now. I think that might also help my mood. Its good to be happy!
Anyway, trent just got home, and I feel like playing rock band! I will catch u tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
today was a better day I think. I made a decision today that I would not turn on the t.v. at all.....
I had a meeting with my doctor yesterday, and she said I was showing a few signs of early depression. She recommended I see a counselor....
I started thinking, she is probably right on the money. I have been sitting here in north carolina, without my husband, or really anybody to talk to, with no place to really go, no money to spend, and two dogs that drive me crazy. On top of that, I have been sitting on the couch doing NOTHING except watching tv.
So- today, I decided to keep the tv off all day and find other constructive things to do. And I feel a LOT better.
I started with the guest room, finishing up what needed to be done in there. It was a disaster so that kept me busy for awhile. I washed the sheets and put them on the guest bed, and put my glass china cabinet together with all our knick knacks in it... So that leaves only a handful of things to do in the house before we are completely unpacked and settled. One step at a time i guess. I read some of my book 'i dont have enough faith to be an atheist'. I got the book from a church friend of ours in savannah- Steven. He and his wife kimberly hosted a small group that we went to for bible study. They are both really awesome people, and I was almost ashamed to admit to kimberly that I had to turn my dvd 'friends' off because i have been watching it so much that i MIGHT be getting all 'friends' out....
anyway, the book is really good. Its a bit on the higher reading level, so it takes me a little longer to read because sometimes I have to read a paragraph 3 or 4 times to totally grasp the concepts. but, on my journey to become closer to my lord and savior, the book is really helping. I would recommend it to anyone searching for answers about God. Feel free to do your own research, but you gotta start somewhere, and this book gives lots of facts and details and very good arguments for God.
It feels nice to get into something intellectual...yet another good reason i kept the tv off today.
Earlier in the day, I gave our lab a bath and tried to brush some of the hair out of her coat. I think i brushed her for about a half hour before her bath, then brushed her for about 10 minutes in the bath, then dried her off and brushed her again, and she is still shedding EVERYWHERE. I have been vacuuming every other day or so, and our vacuum doesnt have a bag it has a container for the dirt, and so i can see all the hair I pick up... and even vacuuming every other day or so, the canister is usually always full by the time Im done.... and I know they say brushing helps, but really, I think brushing is just making her shed more. Like- when you pick out a grey hair and 10 grow in its place.... like that, except 1000 grow in one hair's place on my dog.....
Anyway, as far as the depression thing goes, Its nothing serious.. my doc just wanted me to get checked out before the baby is born so that it doesnt turn into post partum despression.. because that is the dangerous kind. And, Im really thinking it's just because im brand new to this area and need to meet some people. Once I can talk to actual people on a regular basis, I am sure I will be fine and dandy. I did make my first appointment with a counselor though, and she let me talk the WHOLE hour, and when I got done, I felt like a HUGE weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Like I said, I think it was just being able to have a conversation with a human being other than the cashier at the gas station.
Plus, I know that my hormones are playing a part in my mood. Let me tell you, out of all the rollercoasters I have ever been on, this one sucks the worst. At least on a real rollercoaster you can see the downhills coming and you can hold your breath or prepare yourself... This emotional ride Im on, leaves no room for anticipation. Its up and down on a dime and you cant see it coming! If you have been preggo you understand, if you have never been preggo, ur lucky! :P
On a couple lighter notes tho,
first, I have ELEVEN sprouts!!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so friggin proud of myself! Only the beans so far have poked out, but they are growing really fast and they are already getting BIG! I am so happy!!! This garden was such a great idea. (shout out to sarah rice for the idea ;) ).. thats another thing i did today, was get out in the sun and tend to my little seedlings. and it just feels so great to see what i accomplished so far, and be out in the sun and nice weather. I cant wait till I can get a bean off one of these little guys!!
Also- I leave tomorrow for GA for the weekend. I am pretty happy about making the trip too. My baby shower is on Saturday, and Im just really happy that I have such awesome friends who want to do this for me. I feel really lucky.
All in all- today was the best day I think I have had since trent left. I felt really good and I can only hope that it stays this way.
Night everyone!
today was a better day I think. I made a decision today that I would not turn on the t.v. at all.....
I had a meeting with my doctor yesterday, and she said I was showing a few signs of early depression. She recommended I see a counselor....
I started thinking, she is probably right on the money. I have been sitting here in north carolina, without my husband, or really anybody to talk to, with no place to really go, no money to spend, and two dogs that drive me crazy. On top of that, I have been sitting on the couch doing NOTHING except watching tv.
So- today, I decided to keep the tv off all day and find other constructive things to do. And I feel a LOT better.
I started with the guest room, finishing up what needed to be done in there. It was a disaster so that kept me busy for awhile. I washed the sheets and put them on the guest bed, and put my glass china cabinet together with all our knick knacks in it... So that leaves only a handful of things to do in the house before we are completely unpacked and settled. One step at a time i guess. I read some of my book 'i dont have enough faith to be an atheist'. I got the book from a church friend of ours in savannah- Steven. He and his wife kimberly hosted a small group that we went to for bible study. They are both really awesome people, and I was almost ashamed to admit to kimberly that I had to turn my dvd 'friends' off because i have been watching it so much that i MIGHT be getting all 'friends' out....
anyway, the book is really good. Its a bit on the higher reading level, so it takes me a little longer to read because sometimes I have to read a paragraph 3 or 4 times to totally grasp the concepts. but, on my journey to become closer to my lord and savior, the book is really helping. I would recommend it to anyone searching for answers about God. Feel free to do your own research, but you gotta start somewhere, and this book gives lots of facts and details and very good arguments for God.
It feels nice to get into something intellectual...yet another good reason i kept the tv off today.
Earlier in the day, I gave our lab a bath and tried to brush some of the hair out of her coat. I think i brushed her for about a half hour before her bath, then brushed her for about 10 minutes in the bath, then dried her off and brushed her again, and she is still shedding EVERYWHERE. I have been vacuuming every other day or so, and our vacuum doesnt have a bag it has a container for the dirt, and so i can see all the hair I pick up... and even vacuuming every other day or so, the canister is usually always full by the time Im done.... and I know they say brushing helps, but really, I think brushing is just making her shed more. Like- when you pick out a grey hair and 10 grow in its place.... like that, except 1000 grow in one hair's place on my dog.....
Anyway, as far as the depression thing goes, Its nothing serious.. my doc just wanted me to get checked out before the baby is born so that it doesnt turn into post partum despression.. because that is the dangerous kind. And, Im really thinking it's just because im brand new to this area and need to meet some people. Once I can talk to actual people on a regular basis, I am sure I will be fine and dandy. I did make my first appointment with a counselor though, and she let me talk the WHOLE hour, and when I got done, I felt like a HUGE weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Like I said, I think it was just being able to have a conversation with a human being other than the cashier at the gas station.
Plus, I know that my hormones are playing a part in my mood. Let me tell you, out of all the rollercoasters I have ever been on, this one sucks the worst. At least on a real rollercoaster you can see the downhills coming and you can hold your breath or prepare yourself... This emotional ride Im on, leaves no room for anticipation. Its up and down on a dime and you cant see it coming! If you have been preggo you understand, if you have never been preggo, ur lucky! :P
On a couple lighter notes tho,
first, I have ELEVEN sprouts!!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so friggin proud of myself! Only the beans so far have poked out, but they are growing really fast and they are already getting BIG! I am so happy!!! This garden was such a great idea. (shout out to sarah rice for the idea ;) ).. thats another thing i did today, was get out in the sun and tend to my little seedlings. and it just feels so great to see what i accomplished so far, and be out in the sun and nice weather. I cant wait till I can get a bean off one of these little guys!!
Also- I leave tomorrow for GA for the weekend. I am pretty happy about making the trip too. My baby shower is on Saturday, and Im just really happy that I have such awesome friends who want to do this for me. I feel really lucky.
All in all- today was the best day I think I have had since trent left. I felt really good and I can only hope that it stays this way.
Night everyone!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Today has been such a good day. I had my 32 week doctor appointment, and everything with baby Travis is looking good. He is growing at the appropriate rate, and his heartbeat is strong and healthy. I am doing alright. He is kicking like crazy, but I am so thankful because that lets me know he is still doing good. Im still working on the babies room, but as soon as I get it set up, Ill put up some pictures of the finished masterpiece! I am getting really excited. I cant believe I am already 8 months. Time really flew by. It seems like I just found out a month or so ago. I have always wanted to be a mom and in about a month or so Im gonna be one! CRAZY!!! :D
After my doc appointment, I went outside, and guess what was in my garden???? A SPROUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took a picture, and then watered the garden. I figured I would attach the pics here later on this afternoon. Well, I went back outside about a half hour ago, and there are actually FIVE SPROUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIVE!!!! hahahahaha. AWESOME!
For some reason my camara isnt working.. (which sucks really really bad because I just bought it and I have only used it a handful of times......) so I took a pic this morning, and I took a pic when I went back out this afternoon with my iphone. So, you cant really see the 5 sprouts, because they are little and my iphone isnt that good at taking pics... but you can see how much the one sprout grew from this morning till this afternoon, plus in the second pic you can see the second little sprout that came up next to the first one. They are so cute! :) I am really surprised they came up so fast. The package says 7-10 days... and its only been like 4 days.. I must be a naturally good gardener I just never knew... :P
Anyway, for the rest of the day, it was so nice outside, that I opened up the windows in the house and got a lot more organizing done. I am almost done with the whole house now, plus, I got ALL the laundry done today.. Not just the clothes.. I got the blankets and sheets and towels done too. I am pretty proud of myself. Now, the only room really left to get finished is the guest room. Travis' room is almost almost almost done... just a few odds and ends here and there.
Im still waiting for Trent to get home... This week went by surprisingly fast, so hopefully the next week will too.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Well, the room borders came today, but I didnt go out and get paint to paint the bedroom. I dont think I am going to paint anymore. Trent doesnt really want to paint the room, plus we dont own the house, so we will have to repaint when we move out, and Im sort of sick of painting anyway from our house down in GA. It would be so cute to have a blue room, but we do have wall decorations, and now this border, and we have a few things to put on the wall so hopefully it wont be too shabby. Trent got me a blanket while he was in Iraq and it has a big teddy bear on it.. so maybe I will hang that on the wall. It would go cute with the blue jean teddy bear theme. Only, the bear on the blanket is wearing camo... oh well. :) If anyone has any ideas, feel free to send them my way.
I didnt really do a whole lot today.. I cleaned mostly. Started to actually organize the bedrooms that we put all our misc crap in when we moved in. The guest room and Travis' room. I did some laundry, and just basically got some chores done. I put all the loose cords behind the tv so you cant see them now. WOOO HOOO Exciting life of the married woman!
I havent been sleeping the last two nights. I was up until 4 am the night before last night, and about 3:30 or so this morning. I havent really been tired during the day... but I guess I havent really be as active lately. I havent been to the gym in awhile. I have church tomorrow, but I might go to the gym after that. Maybe that will help me sleep a little more.... I have a lot on my mind.. and the baby is almost here, so Im nervous about that.... Its just a lot of stuff to think about. Trent's mom is gonna come give me a hand around the middle of Oct. It was sort of hard last time when she visited.... It was a lot of things.... I mean, we had 4 people living with us, and they had been with us for about 4 months or so, and I got frustrated really easy. Trent's mom is so amazing. she is a wonderful hardworking woman, but I got babied a lot, and it was really hard. I like to clean and cook and be a housewife, and I can only spend so much time plahing computer games.... Tonight, I had a conversation with her about the stuff that was bothering me, and it was a really great conversation. Im hoping that when she visits this time, it will be less stressful. It will be only her this time I think, and the housing rules here state that a guest can only stay for 30 days, which puts a limit on ANY guest that we have, which is actually probably really good for me and Trent because when we had all those guests before for so long, we got stressed out with each other too. But- I do appreciate that she wants so much to come and help me out. I dont have anyone down here to help me besides trent, and I dont know if he will be around much with this training he is going through.
I miss MN. I miss the fall weather everyone keeps talking about. Its still really hot here. I miss my friends.... I havent talked to a real person in like 3 days except the checkout lady at the commassary, and the mailman today for like 5 minutes. I had a couple phone calls, but thats about it... Now that Im writing this, I am remembering that I was supposed to call sandra last night!!! Yikes. I think im gonna go do that now.
I didnt really do a whole lot today.. I cleaned mostly. Started to actually organize the bedrooms that we put all our misc crap in when we moved in. The guest room and Travis' room. I did some laundry, and just basically got some chores done. I put all the loose cords behind the tv so you cant see them now. WOOO HOOO Exciting life of the married woman!
I havent been sleeping the last two nights. I was up until 4 am the night before last night, and about 3:30 or so this morning. I havent really been tired during the day... but I guess I havent really be as active lately. I havent been to the gym in awhile. I have church tomorrow, but I might go to the gym after that. Maybe that will help me sleep a little more.... I have a lot on my mind.. and the baby is almost here, so Im nervous about that.... Its just a lot of stuff to think about. Trent's mom is gonna come give me a hand around the middle of Oct. It was sort of hard last time when she visited.... It was a lot of things.... I mean, we had 4 people living with us, and they had been with us for about 4 months or so, and I got frustrated really easy. Trent's mom is so amazing. she is a wonderful hardworking woman, but I got babied a lot, and it was really hard. I like to clean and cook and be a housewife, and I can only spend so much time plahing computer games.... Tonight, I had a conversation with her about the stuff that was bothering me, and it was a really great conversation. Im hoping that when she visits this time, it will be less stressful. It will be only her this time I think, and the housing rules here state that a guest can only stay for 30 days, which puts a limit on ANY guest that we have, which is actually probably really good for me and Trent because when we had all those guests before for so long, we got stressed out with each other too. But- I do appreciate that she wants so much to come and help me out. I dont have anyone down here to help me besides trent, and I dont know if he will be around much with this training he is going through.
I miss MN. I miss the fall weather everyone keeps talking about. Its still really hot here. I miss my friends.... I havent talked to a real person in like 3 days except the checkout lady at the commassary, and the mailman today for like 5 minutes. I had a couple phone calls, but thats about it... Now that Im writing this, I am remembering that I was supposed to call sandra last night!!! Yikes. I think im gonna go do that now.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Well today was a better day.
I went to lowes this morning and picked up a raised garden set and some veggies to plant and some soil. I bought a few seeds of beans and a few seeds of cucumbers. I dont know if I waited to long to plant them, or if they will turn out. It says to plant them between may and oct in this area, but they only need max 50 days to sprout, so hopefully I can get SOMETHING to grow. Im actually really excited about this garden. Its the first garden I have ever planted. If the veggies dont turn out, I think I will go buy some flowers that grow all year long.
Its a shame that pine trees dont die off in the winter, cuz we have one in our back yard, and I raked the pine needles out of yard today also. I am SO thankful in that respect for a smaller yard because raking pine needles is a crappy job. Especially when there are hidden doggy surprises in the pine needles. But, the yard looks better, and I feel so great that I finally got outside today. I didnt go to the grocery store, but I will do that tomorrow morning. I think Im gonna get zuchinni and make some bread.
I am trying to eat healthier. I mean, I have been trying for a long time, but its hard to eat healthy because its so much more expensive to eat healthy. I buy apples and that usually is a good snack, and I LOVE the snacks that kashi makes. The pumpkin pecan bars are SO SO SO FRIGGIN good. But aside from apples and frozen veggies, the healthiest thing I know how to make is chicken, and Trent gets sick of chicken after so long, so I am trying to come up with some more ideas. I know there is a book somewhere that shows you how to make all kinds of food with veggies in the recipes but the veggies are hidden. Its a book for kids, to help them eat healthy, but Im thinking thats a great idea.
Baby Travis is growing so big. I have my 32 week appointment and Im getting so nervous. Im down to about 8 weeks now before he is due. Trent ordered this thing in the mail called a bumbo. Its a little foam seat that holds the baby up once he is strong enough to hold his head up.
I got that in the mail today, and so our collection of baby items continues! We are still on the hunt for a carseat, a stroller, and a diaper bag, and a few other small items, but mostly, we have a lot of good stuff already. We have TONS of clothes, some toys already, a baby book, the crib and bedding, a running stroller, the shelf for all his stuff... I cant wait to get a real comfy chair to sit on at 3 am while Im listening to that cute screaming session I know travis is going to be having. :)
guess thats all for tonight! later.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I am just getting settled into this new house, and I havent met anyone yet, and I dont know my way around here yet, and Trent just left yesterday and we have no communication whatsoever... so- here I am. I've been watching friends since we moved in because we have no cable. I LOVE friends, but Im going a little stir crazy.
I took Echo and Gurl to a dog park today. It was a nice idea, but it was boiling hot outside, and there were no other dogs. It was just a big fenced in area with no shade... If I would have just let them outside in the back yard, they would have at least had the shade of the pine tree in our back yard.. but at least I got to get out of the house.
I talked to my friend Sarah tonight, and she gave me the idea of gardening as something to keep me busy. I have never gardened before, so I have no clue what Im doing, but I think its a good idea. Im gonna go to lowes tomorrow I think and get a can of paint for travis's room and some stuff to start my very first garden. That will get me out of the house, then maybe keep me occupied for a while.
Maybe I will go to the gym tomorrow too. I need to get off of this couch! Does anyone know of anything fun to do in or around Fort Bragg? PLEASE let me know.
I also have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. It will be nice to get out and spend some time just getting out of the house.
Joyce called me tonight, she and Erin are planning a baby shower for me! I am really really excited. Erin and I are about two weeks apart. I went to her baby shower and it was so much fun. I wasnt expecting to have a baby shower, but Im so glad I have people that care about me enough to throw me one. Not knowing anyone in a new place is always hard, but it's harder when you are 8 months preggo.
IM 8 MONTHS PREGGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP! Its getting SO CLOSE! Ill take more pics of baby Travis' room when I get it painted.
alright- time for bed! Night!
I am just getting settled into this new house, and I havent met anyone yet, and I dont know my way around here yet, and Trent just left yesterday and we have no communication whatsoever... so- here I am. I've been watching friends since we moved in because we have no cable. I LOVE friends, but Im going a little stir crazy.
I took Echo and Gurl to a dog park today. It was a nice idea, but it was boiling hot outside, and there were no other dogs. It was just a big fenced in area with no shade... If I would have just let them outside in the back yard, they would have at least had the shade of the pine tree in our back yard.. but at least I got to get out of the house.
I talked to my friend Sarah tonight, and she gave me the idea of gardening as something to keep me busy. I have never gardened before, so I have no clue what Im doing, but I think its a good idea. Im gonna go to lowes tomorrow I think and get a can of paint for travis's room and some stuff to start my very first garden. That will get me out of the house, then maybe keep me occupied for a while.
Maybe I will go to the gym tomorrow too. I need to get off of this couch! Does anyone know of anything fun to do in or around Fort Bragg? PLEASE let me know.
I also have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. It will be nice to get out and spend some time just getting out of the house.
Joyce called me tonight, she and Erin are planning a baby shower for me! I am really really excited. Erin and I are about two weeks apart. I went to her baby shower and it was so much fun. I wasnt expecting to have a baby shower, but Im so glad I have people that care about me enough to throw me one. Not knowing anyone in a new place is always hard, but it's harder when you are 8 months preggo.
IM 8 MONTHS PREGGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP! Its getting SO CLOSE! Ill take more pics of baby Travis' room when I get it painted.
alright- time for bed! Night!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Trent left today at 3:30 this morning. It will be a little bit before I get to see or talk to him again, but I think it will be alright.
Im sitting on the couch blogging thinking of going grocery shopping. I really just want to start blogging again. A lot of people are out of the loop in my life and always ask me for updates so I guess if I actually kept up on a blog then I wouldnt feel so bad about not keeping in touch.
I am 31 weeks preggo now, and Im getting a bit uncomfy.
His name is Travis Wayne. We decorated his crib with blue jean teddy bear designs and I ordered a wall border to match it. We bought the bedding set at this expo at the crown center downtown north carolina. Usually, the bedding sets are like 300.00 for the whole set, but we got this one for about 40 dollars. NICE.
Im gonna paint the babies room I think. Im not sure If Im up to it cuz Im so sick of painting our house in GA before we moved out. Plus, its harder to move around and get up high when ur belly sticks out 10 feet.
We are still working on moving in. The house is considerably smaller than our last house but it's easier to keep up with because we don't own it. There are still boxes to unpack. Normally, I'm really good at getting the whole house unpacked in about a week. I LOVE to unpack and get the house set up, but it's so much harder to get motivated now. Being preggo really puts a damper on doing housework. I guess it's not something I can explain unless you have been there, but it really sucks.
We set up our hookah finally! I really like it. I have had it for about a year or so now and we have never set it up because a piece broke when Trent shipped it to me from the sandbox. Im gonna go out sometime soon a buy a replacement part. We already have tobacco. I think its fruit flavored. Im really excited to have a wine hookah party after travis comes along. 
Not much is going on today... I really want to take the dogs out to the park and maybe go fishing. I havent been fishing in a long time, but Trent and I went to Gander Mountain yesterday and I got really excited about going fishing. We went to Gander Mountain to look for a GPS to geocache. We found two geocaches yesterday and left a travel coin. Im sort of excited to see where it ends up. We want it to hit Lock Haven, Pa, Big Lake, MN, and a few other little places, and then wherever it ends up. Geocaching is a pretty fun time. It gets you outside and out of the house. GEOCACHING.COM if you are interested. You dont need a GPS, I use my iphone and it works alright... but a GPS would be so much better.
Well I'm off to eat some lunch I think.
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